6 Ways to Survive Your Last Day of a Walt Disney World Vacation

The dread begins sometime around Day 3. “Halfway” is approaching. The train is cresting the mountain. Sharp rocks lie at the bottom. And then you are barreling towards it, unable to apply the brakes. Soon it will all be over except the screaming and the credit card bills. Not necessarily in that order. The very […]

Four Forgotten Disney Attractions (Which Still Exist)

We all have one. The ride we don’t ride. The ride we avoid. The ride we forget. You’d think that since I live here, it would be nothing but Soarin’ and Space Mountain all the time, but it’s fairly obvious why I don’t hit those rides much. Wait times. I always make it a point […]

Five Socially Awkward Ways to Ride Rides at Walt Disney World

Disney prides itself on making everyone feel comfortable. Nobody wants a socially awkward situation. But if you’re not careful, it can happen. Here are five of the most socially awkward ways in which to ride rides at Walt Disney World. I have done all of these. The Longest Ride Ever This is not when a ride […]

Listen and You’ll Hear a Very Special Park Valentine

Theirs was a love that stood the tests of time… In honor of Valentine’s Day weekend, it is only fitting that we honor the greatest love story in theme park history. It’s the story of one man’s passion—dare I say hunger—for his most special love. Never before or since have the parks dared to express such […]

Disney Animated Movies Canon – The Rise of Disneyland

Each of the 54 canonical Disney Animated Features has a connection to the theme parks. And we’ll find them all or die trying. Today we take a look at the movies of the 1950s and 60s. Other time periods are labeled “The Golden Age of Disney Animation,” but the films of this era are so brilliant, it’s no […]

3 Secrets To Rediscovering If You Had Wings

I’m just old enough to remember when “Tomorrow” meant peoplemovers, wrap-around movie screens, and acres of vanilla buildings. Now we live in a Stitched up Tomorrowland, where all the goodie 1970s futurism has been Monstered out of existence by a slew of animated Lightyears. Twenty years ago, Tom Morrow moved out and George Lucas aliens moved in. New […]

Disney Animated Movies Canon – The New Regime

Well now. That was an adventure, wasn’t it? Things couldn’t be better than they are, here in the fabulous 2010s. Parkeology hit the global media market in a big way. Our faces were on seemingly every TV channel in the country. A guy named John Cameron Swayze gave us all the news. A lot of singing […]