One of the things that must be frustrating for Disney is making untold piles of cash and being adored by millions of fans around the world. Because then you have to content with all the leeches that want to rip you off. There’s nothing worse than having your Grandma walk into a Best Buy and […]
Author: Shane
Plane Crazy
Before I touch on the cool thing that caught my eye this week, I have to post about something that really caught me off guard. Disney, to my stunned amazement, likes to merchandise its movies. Okay, that was tongue in cheek. This is the same company that only a few weeks ago was selling dead […]
6 Things I Can’t Believe Still Exist at Disney World
It’s hard for me to believe that Horizons, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the Skyway, and Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride have been gone for 15 or 20 years now. There are readers of this blog in college who never knew what it was like to smell oranges, experience claustrophobic panic attacks, anonymously spit on people […]
WDW47 Post Mortem
Just what did happen on Sunday? How did two guys who had never met in person before manage to work together in an attempt to do the impossible: See all 47 rides at Walt Disney World in a single operating day, in the sweltering June heat of peak tourist season? And above all, did we […]
WDW47 An Adventure 20 Years in the Making
Tomorrow is the official attempt, but in many ways, WDW47 is already underway. The two members of Team Parkeology are already on site. Supplies have have been packed. The ponchos have been rolled. Alarm clocks have been set. All that remains is to add one more bit of complexity to this insane quest. To take […]
Because I can’t resist talking about this crazy plan, I wanted to address some questions that have come up. I’m not going to tip the whole schedule this early, because what’s the fun in that? But I can’t help obsessing over the details. When is the attempt? Sunday, June 16th. Which happens to be Father’s […]
WDW47 Revealed
If you’re wondering why it’s been kind of quiet here on Parkeology, it’s because I’ve been working on a new obsession. It’s a little project of mine. An insane, magnificent little project of great worth to humankind. I mentioned this way back in April (4/7), which is appropriate because this mission is entitled WDW47. We […]
The Great Iconic Food Race
I have a love-hate relationship with Universal Studios. By which I mean, I love to hate them. For an entire decade and a half, they deserved all the hate and then some. Universal Studios Florida was a masterpiece of ugly when it opened. Islands of Adventure left so many opportunities on the table. They were […]
Forgotten Waterfalls of the Rainforest Cafe
I have a pretty good eye for noticing when things are different, even when I can’t quite put my finger on what has changed. So it came as a shock to me when I suddenly realized that sometime in the last decade an entire Rainforest Cafe has disappeared. I know what you are thinking: throw […]