Festival of Pandora

Parkeology has been quiet lately, as we gear up for WDW47, the most challenging, self-serving, borderline stupid theme park encounter ever attempted. Preparations are now more than a month underway, and while we think we have gone further than any run-of-the-mill Wilderness Explorer has ever gone before, there remain several insurmountable obstacles that must be […]

Claim Your Dumbo

I love paying attention to the detales. Im extremeley detail oriented. I am self-diagnosed with OCD, which means I just offended everyone who is professionally diagnosed with OCD. But I love a good fixation, and Disney gives me many opportunities in which to sink my teeth, as if I were a vampire and the theme […]

The Giant Snail Invasion

So apparently Florida is being overrun by giant snails. I think it would be moderately terrifying to have my life snuffed out by a slow-moving half-blind giant shell, but I knew it was a risk when I moved down here. All those Florida retirees in their Cadillacs… As plagues go, giant snails is several levels […]


There is nothing to see here tonight. This post can be completely ignored. But since today is April 7, I couldn’t let today go by without announcing my intention to complete WDW47. I did not come to this decision lightly. In fact, it is the culmination of years of training. My wife has already told […]

Awesome Park Merchandise – March 2013

One of the things I like to do from time to time is just provide pictures of various merchandise items I come across while visiting the parks. These usually take the form of clever t-shirts. Today, I’d like to branch away from that, by starting with more clever t-shirts, but ending with two other really […]

6 Crazy Niche Markets Discovered by Disney

Lots of companies are good at reinforcing the necessity of their products (posted from my iPhone). But only Disney can discover the craziest niche markets and then sell the heck out of it to a captive audience. It seems to have exploded in the last 15 years. Weird stuff that nobody ever thought worthy of […]