We now come to the part of our tour where each coast diverges into its own unique little niche. Florida, by virtue of its large collection of Confederate flags, inability to efficiently count election results, and its heritage as the birthplace of “Making Fun of Natives By Uppity European Explorers Searching for Magic Life Potion,” […]
Author: Shane
Alternate Fantasy – Bizarro Adventureland
The strangest thing about Disneyland’s Adventureland is that the Treehouse is in the middle of the motherlovin’ sidewalk. It’s no secret that I have an unhealthy fascination with Magic Kingdom’s Swiss Family Treehouse. I love the way it’s perched out there on its own plant-infested island, sweltering in the hot florida sun. I love that […]
Alternate Fantasy – Bizarro Main Street
Back in the 80s, a popular male fantasy was the idea of dating identical twins. And also to chew gum with them. I am sure the cultured, societal men of today don’t indulge in such outdated notions, but it used to be a big deal. Two girls who are exactly alike in almost every way. […]
Goofy and the Pirate King
Happy 2013! My New Year’s Resolution is to finally write some serious, relevant, thought-provoking posts, and stop monkeying around with silly stuff. Having said that, when looking at my Alien Encounter toys yesterday, I found another item from Disney’s defunct line of die-cast attraction vehicles. I was so fascinated by it, I had to write […]
Alien Encounter Action Figures
Since we’re on the subject of Alien Encounter, I want to share some pictures with you of my toys. Because that statement didn’t sound creepy at all. Did you know that back in its heyday, Disney marketed a line of action figures based exclusively around this attraction? And there were some pretty good ones! I […]
This Post Is Not Scary Enough
I’ve been away for awhile. Disneyland and Christmas ate up all my time. It is a tough life being me. But as the new year approacheth and my grammar regresseth into King James dialects, I find myself misty eyed with reflection and possibly a cat hair that has fallen onto my contact lens. It’s hard […]
You Can Learn A Lot From a Dummy
I suppose this is a sad week. After 15 years, we finally say goodbye to Test Track, the “first Epcot thrill ride” if you pretend Body Wars didn’t exist. It ushered in a new era of awesomeness that finally pushed Epcot past those pesky elaborate animatronic epics. Test Track 2.0 may rock a sleek, Tron-esque look […]
Walt Disney World Transportation Collector Card Sparks High Stakes Treasure Hunt
Sometimes the most trivial items can take hold of a man’s fascination and drive him deeper and deeper into new levels of obsession. Case in point: I have recently obtained an Official Walt Disney World Transportation Collector Card during a trip to the Magic Kingdom. I have visited the Magic Kingdom in all the decades […]
The First Disney Pixar Movie
2012 is the Bizarro Year. This year, we hailed California Adventure, Hong Kong Disneyland, and the Magic Kingdom as shining beacons of incredible theming. Tokyo Disney Sea’s newest rides are a transplanted carnival game thing and a Magic Carpet spinner. At the box office, Spiderman and Batman got beat up by second tier superheroes like […]