Euro Disney

I am not normally a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Disney. I don’t believe any of that stuff about frozen Walt or the Little Mermaid movie poster or pretty much anything beginning with the phrase “According to the research of Marc Eliot.” Collapses in case of hurricane. But I could maybe be persuaded that […]

The Carousel House Murders and the Haunted Carousel of Progress

We depart from our normal fun-loving hilarity to request urgent help in a developing situation. We ask our readers, both home and abroad, to please contact us if they have any information regarding the whereabouts of Dr. Harold Farthing. Most of you know Dr. Farthing as one of the preeminent Parkeologists in the field today. […]

Match Game 3

One of the cool things about doing this site is that there are so many other people out there who are just as weird and obsessed about crazy Walt Disney World stuff as we are. Also, they are apparently deranged pyromaniacs. Our close personal friend Jess M. was kind enough to email some more pictures […]

Chasing the Moon: The Funmeister Vinylmation

I never bought a pair of Mouse Ears, though I did receive one as a gift. I own very few collectible pins, most of which were won during a couple stints on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire Play It, and the rest as perks from various races and events and things. During an unfortunate […]

There is Just One Moon And One Golden Sun

If the Sherman Brothers taught us anything in It’s a Small World, it’s that there is just one moon and one golden sun. And a smile means friendship to everyone unless you’re a mentally unstable Batman villain or a crocodile. But will someone please call the fire department? I don’t mean to cause any panic, […]

T-Shirt Correction League

So I was browsing through a shop at the Magic Kingdom. I think it was Sir Mickey’s (a.k.a. the best shop in Fantasyland), and I came across a t-shirt. I think this is a new line of interactive clothing from the makers of fine Disney threads. The goal is to look at the picture and […]

Walt Disney: Junior Time Traveller

Disney California Adventure is sort of like an alcoholic that has managed to stay sober for over a year now. We’re all very proud. Doesn’t mean we trust it to drive the kids home from the New Year’s party, but we’re glad it has turned its life around. A lot of this progress is due […]

The Two Faces of Teddi Berra

You say “Two Faces of Teddi Berra” in public, and the connotation is you’ve got a bear with some serious mental problems. Like maybe one day she’s the quiet neighbor upstairs. The next day she’s on trial for beheading a deer, a moose, and a buffalo. Like a twist ending to the Goldilocks story, where […]