I ranted recently about the new Journey Into Imagination (recently? It seems I rant incessantly). Disney seems to believe that the proper way to assuage upset fans is to take a favorite character, crank up his most annoying personality traits to the nth degree, and bombard visitors with him at every turn. This one goes […]
Author: Shane
The Simple Reason Why Endor Vendors Beats Tatooine Traders
Star Tours 1.0 has been retired for nearly a year now. Star Tours 2 is not only better than the first, it also may be better than the three prequels, the Star Wars Christmas Special, and that silly CGI Max Rebo Band from Return of the Jedi Special Edition. But for all its posh new […]
The Raiders of Castillo del Mar
It is with great pleasure (mixed with a healthy dose of empty nest syndrome, chased with a glass of pride) that I finally get to announce something that has been in the works for awhile now. Justin Bieber is getting a new tattoo. For the legions of Bieber fans that also love funny Disney stuff, […]
Fair Game
Flashback to 1999. Beloved EPCOT Center attraction Journey Into Imagination has closed to make way for one of the most horrible abominations ever to grace a Disney theme park: Journey Into YOUR Imagination. Gone are Figment and Dreamfinder, replaced by everyone’s favorite Monty Python sell-out, Eric Idle. The ride has been gutted, replaced by sparse […]
Walt Disney World FTW of the Week
No major news in this post, but I just wanted to give a shout out to the young lady who sat across from me on the Jungle Cruise last night (May 21, 2011). You have my respect for thinking to do this, and my utmost super-respect for walking into Guest Relations to actually follow through. […]
Misadventures Thru Inner Space
Indulge me one final plug for Magic Pursuit, our puzzle quest game through Disney’s Hollywood Studios, happening this Sunday! You can still register your team! Now, on with the blog… It’s said that as you get older, you grow wiser. I think I mostly just grow nostalgic. I’m not new to the whole Disney thing. […]
Day for Night
Of all the Disney mountains, Splash Mountain has to be the most story-centric. It’s populated with a cast of hundreds, it has dozens of show scenes, it builds to a thrilling climax. By contrast, the Matterhorn has a single hairy guy and a lot of ice caverns. Splash is more than just a thrill gimmick. […]
Scariest Park Creature Ever
Disney parks are mostly full of pleasant images. Cotton candy, singing bears, that hot belly dancer in Morocco. But every now and then, they sneak in something unsettling. Today, I’d like to introduce you to a creature that haunts my nightmares. You might wonder where you can find such a beast. Is it the Haunted […]
The Most Famous Disney Sheep Is…?
The Impressions de France script at Epcot features a scene involving a pack of bicyclists and one terrified sheep. Here is that sheep’s story.