Villains in the Mist

  There are good animals and there are bad animals.  Gorillas I think must be bad animals.  For one thing, they stink.  Ever wonder what that smell is at the exit to Kiliminjaro Safari?  Putrid, vomitable gorilla. They are also only marginally cute even as babies, which is tough to do in the animal world.  […]

The Diamond in the Rough

One of my favorite topics is complaining about places at Walt Disney World that I’ve never been able to visit.  Ever since my post about the Catwalk Bar, I have been consumed with jealousy for people more privileged than myself.  I think it’s because when I was a young lad, I once begged for pennies […]

Where in the World is Bing Crosby?

  A fun little diversion today, as we have a guest post from none other than my sister.  I am not joking when I say she is obsessed with Bing Crosby.  Seriously, we’re thinking of having an intervention.  Anyway, enjoy this chronicle of all the references in the parks to Bing.  It’s sort of like […]

Ever Evolving

One of the great things about Disney parks and Walt Disney World in particular is that stuff is always changing.  Even Madonna would have a hard time reinventing herself at this pace. It’s well documented that Walt wanted it this way.  He’s famous for saying that he wanted something he could endlessly tinker with, like […]

Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken

Our spellchecker is not broken.  The headline is Japanese, and it translates roughly to “Mickey’s Adventure in Tokyo Disneyland.”  (I’ll let you clever folks figure out which Japanese word means “Adventure”). Up until about a month ago, I never knew Mickey had adventures in Tokyo Disneyland.  I just sort of assumed he sat in the […]

San Francisco is Very Accessible, If You Ignore the Hills

One of the great things about being a Disney fan is that it allows us to boast about the little things.  Like themed exit signs or resort backstories or efficient parking lots (all things that I wish Universal would address someday). Pleasure Island may not be long for this earth, what with Hyperion Wharf moving […]

Disneyland Dream

Parkeology is all about trying to find some little known fact or detail to talk about.  We try for truly obscure stuff, well beyond the standard Hidden Mickeys.  With all the die-hard fan sites out there, it’s hard to find anything that has never been written about in some shape or form, but we do […]

Big Thunder’s Secret Show Scene

If you’re like me, you woke up today wondering if there was any real connection between a singing legend, an octopus, and the greatest Disney coaster of all time.  Don’t feel ashamed.  Everyone ponders this at some point or another, although usually it is accompanied by a high fever and unusual doses of medication. To […]

Disneyland: A Division of Vandelay Industries

Seinfeld fans may remember Vandelay Industries, the fictional business invented by George Costanza as a means of falsifying his employment.  As I recall, Vandelay started as a latex business, but evolved into an import/export company.  It had what is known as a “diversified business model.” Imports:  Chips (potato; some corn).  Exports: Diapers Disneyland is a […]