Lost and Abandoned Disney Details

Atlantis is Waiting

When Christopher Robin backed up that giant dump truck, cackled maniacally, and pulled the lever, he buried Atlantis forever beneath several metric tons of pliable playground flooring.  Now youngsters crawl through Winnie the Pooh’s house and clamor over Piglet’s Crypt-o-Wheel of Doom, never realizing that just 20,000 leagues below the surface, guests once explored the […]

Lost in Animal Kingdom

The subject of Animal Kingdom’s lost path was covered again on 6/16/2010, and resulted in a night in the tank for Teevtee for his wanderings through Animal Kingdom’s backwoods. – Shane ———————————- Another great write-up from Teevtee today, with one of the truly hidden spots in Animal Kingdom.  I remember we both found this area […]

Finding Disney Magic (No, Not the Cruise Ship)

I’d love to be able to take credit for this next post, but it’s actually by a good friend of mine.  (“Yes!” you say.  “Finally, someone good to read.”)   We will call him Teevtee, in order to enhance his mysteriosity.  Plus, I sometimes still call him that, because that’s how I first knew him. […]

Proud History of Sea Serpents

Walt Disney World seems to have a great fondness for sea serpents.  There are several that have appeared in various locations throughout the property. The most fanciful serpent prowls the waters of the castle moat in Magic Kingdom.  At one time, he had a great fondness for Swan Boats, but now he just suns himself […]

Elephants Are The Future

I had forgotten all about this strange little episode in Walt Disney World history until a friend of mine reminded me about the Epcot space elephants.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Elephants invaded Epcot for a circus spectacular sometime in the mid 80s, and it is indeed everything you could hope for. The circus was […]

Beware of Sea Serpents on Your Cruise

Even casual Disney fans know about the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Submarine Voyage that used to exist in Fantasyland’s north corner.  And if you don’t, you should think twice before roaming around that Pooh Playground.  It’s holy ground. The subs were a great example of the type of incredible, fantastic adventure that Disney was […]

These Fifes Sure are Tasty

Hidden away in a secluded area behind Liberty Square is the ruin of a small venue known as the Fife and Drum Snack Bar.  It closed shop right around the time the Constitution was ratified, and once sold refreshing beverages to parched Liberty Square guests who didn’t know that the Hall of Presidents had air […]

Before Disneyland Had Yellow Submarines

I’m wanting to do some kind of 2009 wrap-up here, but I couldn’t let a golden opportunity pass by, to pay tribute to a bit of history.  Well, actually I guess I could let it pass by, since I’m now 4 days after the anniversary.  But at any rate, you may not know that the […]

Who Needs American Idol?

The original Disney MGM Studios had a location to showcase guests’ musical performance skills long before Ryan Seacrest showed up, and I’m not talking about SuperStar Television.  It was a shop of sorts, very similar to those photo booths where they will green screen your head onto a movie poster.  Only in this case, you […]