Disneyland: A Division of Vandelay Industries

Seinfeld fans may remember Vandelay Industries, the fictional business invented by George Costanza as a means of falsifying his employment.  As I recall, Vandelay started as a latex business, but evolved into an import/export company.  It had what is known as a “diversified business model.” Imports:  Chips (potato; some corn).  Exports: Diapers Disneyland is a […]

Thrilla in Parkzilla: The Rematch!

  For the last 2 months the Parkeology offices have been abuzz with debate, arguments and the occasional arm wrestling match as we tried to definitively answer once and for all which Disney park was the best in the world. Catch up here, here or here:     Lets do this thing! Shane suffered a […]

Thrilla in Parkzilla: ROUND THREE!

If you are late to the fight you can check out the impact of round one HERE and take a beating with round two HERE. Lets get into the mood… As a reminder, this brutal fight was actually waged five years ago when it first ran on Miceage.com, we are re-running it in its original […]

Thrilla in Parkzilla Round 1

Which park is best? Six years ago I wrote a series of articles for our friends at miceage.com. The purpose was to evaluate and compare each of the Disney parks to see which one truly reigned supreme. In a tough fought brawl to take it all one park emerged as the ultimate victor.   But […]

Pitching a tent.

Camping sucks. You may catch poison ivy, be ravaged by malaria-riddled mosquitoes, or get mauled by a rabid squirrel all the while avoiding molestation by marauding hill-folk. Michael Eisner even wrote a book called “Camp” and you know that can’t be good. Where is the fun in eating canned meat and sleeping on the ground in […]


A few monorails around the resort are starting to take on a new look.  They will stay this way at least for the next nine months or so, until Walt Disney Pictures gives birth to the sequel to a certain breakthrough film from 1982. No, Condorman was 1981. There’s a lot of internet buzz for […]