It always has struck me that the phrase “paying homage” is a bit disingenuous.
It may sound very nice and may imply that the person “paying homage” to someone or something is in fact crediting the source and showing respect, however in truth it’s just a fancy French way of saying “stealing”.
For example Disney’s Catastrophe Canyon is “paying homage” to Universal’s Earthquake attraction. It does this fine homage by ripping off every element, every effect and every plot point and then claiming it as its own. No two ways around it its just plain theft but it sounds a lot nicer this way.
Well today I will be paying homage to fellow blogger Tom Bricker who earlier this month posted a list of his “Top 10 Disney Experiences (So Far)”.
Tom and I have a few things in common: Tom is an avid amateur photographer and he spends a ton of time on his various park shots (I presume he is the guy you seeing lugging a tripod all over the parks as you rush by to get on the next ride). I happen to be a professional photographer working in a very different field (commercial advertising).
Tom has a love of the parks and of course so does Parkeology. Tom has traveled to see the overseas parks, as have I on several occasions (including right now). So I think we would get along just fine. None of this changes the fact that I am now stealing paying homage to his idea but it makes me feel a little less bad about it.
Actually we love Top Ten lists around here and I know Shane is working on one about the Top Ten facial hairstyles of Audio Animatronic figures (I bet Famed Naturalist John Muir wins… but don’t tell him I told you). The idea of this list is also extremely personal… as personal as could be in fact. It is MY top ten… not yours… though we would love to hear about your favorite park moments as well.
So here we go… From the Parkeology home offices my top ten most meaningful or memorable park memories in sort of kind of no particular order (though it is a top ten so I have to number them anyway):
10) New park anticipation
Disneyland was opened long before I was born, and Walt Disney World opened when I was a kid… too young to understand. The opening of EPCOT was special and the opening of Disney-MGM Studios was great fun but perhaps a let down as I was in college at that time, past the perfect age window for such an event. But when Animal Kingdom opened in 1998 things were different. The Internet allowed me to follow it with great anticipation every step of the way. I was newly married at this point and visiting the parks had become something my wife and I both relished, here was the opportunity to see it happen from scratch. I read all about it and looked forward to it and I will always remember the morning that we visited during its grand opening. Arriving at the gate before sunrise and seeing the sunrays pierce through the sky illuminating the dew filled leaves all around us. Hearing the exotic instrumental music waft through the pre-dawn air, I still remember the smell as well, kind of a citrus thing. We had such incredible anticipation and even though the park (which even today is often considered a half day affair) was not fully built out we spent DAYS there. For us the park was the experience… the levels of detail, the textures, the lack of signs (now they are everywhere) and feeling of true exploration… they nailed it. And then we ran into Joe Rohde, the man chiefly responsible for designing the park. All together it has created tactile memories that I hope never to forget.
9) Attempted Proposal
I’ve been married for a while now, since 1997. I had gone on several really great trips to Disney with my now wife and so in the mid 90’s it seemed like a natural to propose to her at Disney. I’ve never been a particularly lovey dovey kind of guy. I tend to find most non-park related Disney things to be too saccharine sweet for my taste and certainly a faux romantic castle proposal was not going to happen. However Disney meant a lot to us and I wanted to incorporate it in a unique and special way. The Disney Yacht Club hotel allowed you to rent an old-fashioned wooden Chris-Craft speedboat to drive around Crescent Lake and the waterways around the resorts and Epcot. Moreover you could do this at night during the Illuminations fireworks and laser show. Well this sounded great to me! What could be more special than romantically cruising the calm waters of Epcot as the resort lights shimmered off the tranquil planes of Crescent Lake? As classical music drifted through the still night air I would find the perfect moment to slow the boat to a wake-less crawl and propose as the fireworks erupted in the background… it was going to be PERFECT.
This goes to prove that not every memorable moment has to be a good one. The reality of what happened was not quite what I had imagined it to be. First of all I would not be driving the boat, rather, we were informed, we would be passengers in the back seat as a Disney “captain” piloted the craft. Perhaps not the worst thing in the world… surely he would be a well trained and discreet. Then a young “dude” showed up looking like a reject from the X-Games. His idea of a romantic cruise was a full-tilt high-speed “extreme” tour of the lake making sure that he hit every wake possible in an effort to catch some air. Speaking of air it was unseasonably cold and the constant spray of ice-cold water pelting us did not exactly create a romantic mood. As our daredevil captain swerved and swayed we were tossed like rag-dolls. Frigid, soaked and seasick we were thankful that he slowed down and headed close to Epcot for the start of the show.
This was going to be my time… I may not have had the leisurely paced prelude that I was expecting but now it was going to all fall into place. Our captain brought us under the bridge to the very edges of the lagoon; these were prime seats for the spectacle soon to unfold. I fumbled in my pocket to make sure I had the ring ready to go, I waited for the music to start and the romance to begin… and then: BAM! BOOM! WHOOSH! A deafening cacophony of fire erupted all around us. We were not near the fireworks we were IN the fireworks. Bombs exploded, the sky turned red and areal reports thumped our chests as heavy smoke soon engulfed the entire area. We were in the middle of what seemed like a war zone. I could not hear anything other than ringing in my ears. Our eyes watered as the smoke overtook us. Soon we could not see our hands in front of our faces. We were dizzy and dazed while the captain high tailed it back to the resort dock.
Weeks later I proposed back at home on the couch. Not what I dreamed of but looking back I would have it no other way. It was something that could only happen at Disney.
8) Dad time
In the early to mid 80’s… shortly after Epcot opened my father had a series of work related meetings in Orlando… which gave me the opportunity to tag along and spend the days alone as an adolescent in the parks. We would meet up later in the evening and this led to several of my fondest Disney memories.
There was the time I made him ride Space Mountain over and over until he was gripping his glasses so tightly the lenses popped out mid-ride. We got off the coaster and he put on his frames sans lenses. Funny and all, but he had to wear prescription sunglasses indoors and out for the rest of the trip. As an aside Disney found both lenses and mailed them back to us on different days… amazing.
There was the time we tried on Star Wars masks at the then sleepy Disney Village and seeing my Dad in some crazy alien mask was somehow just cool. But I think the one I recall the most is a visit to the Outback Restaurant at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel within the Disney hotel plaza. These hotels are still there but not advertised nearly as much as they once were. These were official hotels in as much as they could use Disney transportation but were all owned by lower cost alternatives to the Disney resorts.

Matches at restaurants, remember that! If not click here
The Outback was not the chain we are familiar with today but rather a more upscale steak and seafood house. My dad ordered a MASSIVE lobster for himself, like 4 pounds of crustacean that he could not finish and then had to cram into the small refrigerator in the room. Something about this has always stuck with me. Later that night we called my mom using a “futuristic” speakerphone telephone booth they had in the lobby. Some other time on one of these trips we ended up sitting side by side at a booth designed for couples at the top of the hotel in a fancy romantic restaurant. I was 14 or 15 and only had sneakers and felt way underdressed. Between sitting next to my Dad and the athletic footwear I was a fish out of water but those situations often lead to the most vivid memories. It was really about spending time with my Dad I guess, little moments and odd things can end up meaning a lot.
7) Secret Club
I had first read about Club 33 at Disneyland when I was in college. Back then it really was a very secret private club at Disneyland that not too many people had ever heard of, even die-hard fans. This was prior to the instant communications of the Internet and for a guy much more familiar with Walt Disney World the concept of this club was incredibly intriguing. I dreamt of going but it costs tens of thousands of dollars to join and had a ten-year waiting list. You needed to be a guest of a member to get in. I would walk past the ornate “33” sign on my visits to Disneyland and feel great jealousy of those privileged few who got to walk through the discreet doors. To cut to the chase just last year I finally had a chance to visit. The food was typical average country club fair and way overpriced. The room was somewhat cramped and dated and the overly formal service was out of step with the casual setting of a theme park… and I loved it. I loved everything about it. I loved that it was dated, I loved that the microphones originally installed in lights to interact with guests were still there, I loved that though Walt Disney never lived to see it’s completion I could see a 60’s era Walt hanging out up here with a Scotch on the rocks in hand looking out and surveying what he had created. It was exactly as it should be. With news that it is all changing with a dramatic remodel and expansion I am forever grateful to have had the chance to see the original version and to walk through that door for myself.
6) Passing it on
Unlike Shane, I do not live a smoked turkey leg’s throw from the parks. They are still trips for us. We adopted our daughter when she was 9 months old but by the time we visited WDW with her for the first time she was a walking and talking, exploring and adventurous two year old. She ran around the parks with reckless abandon and was totally fearless. It was wonderful sharing experiences with her that were old hat to us (not the Tea Cups AGAIN) but brand new sensations to her. However the moment that I will always remember was a simple photo-op. We were in the China pavilion at Epcot and I lifted her up to pose for a snapshot. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me tight smashing my cheek up against hers… it was totally unexpected and that photo and memory of pure love will always be meaningful to me.
5) WDW47
Shane and I have been friends for close to 20 years. It is just amazing how time flies. As we extensively documented last year we had never met face to face until there was finally an event of such magnitude that it forced us together. WDW47 was an exciting, impossible adventure that has now inspired others to attempt it and I am sure eventually surpass it. But we were the first. We took on a challenge that was just so nuts that we had to try it, and we came SO CLOSE. (If you don’t know about WDW47 watch this)
This was the first time I had ever spent so much time in the parks with someone who knew as much about them as I do (well ALMOST as much). It was an incredible time spent with a great friend. After the fact, Shane told me that this day was perhaps his greatest day ever in the parks. I know that he was just wrapped up in the moment but nonetheless the fact that he felt that way and enjoyed his time with me as much as I did with him meant the world to me. For a weekend, WDW47 was the most popular story on the Orlando Sentinel web site and we even became huge celebrities in Norway from it… but that’s a different story.
4) The greatest park ever
By the time 2001 came around I had been to all the parks in the U.S. many, many…MANY times and my wife and I had also checked out Disneyland Paris a couple of times. But Tokyo was lurking out there; it seemed so far away, so exotic so… well, so Japanese.
I had always wanted to visit but in terms of Disney Tokyo Disneyland seemed too close to the Magic Kingdom to make the effort worth it (a poor assumption BTW). But then Tokyo Disney Sea opened and it was going to be unique and new and unbelievable. For years leading up to that time the embryonic stages of the Internet buzzed with anticipation and speculation as to what this wonder would really be like. The old AOL message boards (where I first met Shane) would debate every minutia of every concept art piece or press release that came out. It was too much to resist… I could not stand knowing that this place existed on this planet and not see it with my own two eyes… and so our trip was planed for early spring of 2002… and then September 11th happened… and people were scared. (We actually flew to Disneyland in September 2001 very shortly after the attacks and the paranoia and fear were real and palpable). But we pushed on and in April took off for what has become one of my all time best Disney memories.
We went for it big time and stayed at the Hotel Mira-Costa… a room dead center looking out over the lagoon and directly into Mount Prometheus; the volcanic icon of the park. We arrived late in the evening and so I had to stare out of that window and see the park and smoldering volcano bathed in a purple glow without actually being able to enter it for a full night (talk about a way to build anticipation). When the dawn came my wife and I lined up at the special hotel park entrance and the excitement was electric… this was not the first time in the park just for us but also for the vast majority of the Japanese locals around us. It was a communal kind of buzz that is hard to explain.
It’s amazing how the last 13 years or so has changed the demographic of the average visitor. At the time we were quite literally the only non-Japanese we saw the entire trip. Now it is not uncommon at all to see Americans, Europeans and visitors from other Asian countries as well as Australia all over the park. You cannot chuck a rock without hitting an American plodding around the place, but at the time we felt very special and unique. And of course the park did not let us down, perhaps it even exceeded our expectations, as did Tokyo Disneyland, which was amazingly clean and well run. I realized that visiting Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea is really like going back in time. It is revisiting the way Disney ran its parks in the Walt and post Walt pre-Eisner eras. Everything was perfect, everything worked, and everything was the way you wanted it to be. I have been back multiple times since and in fact, depending on when you read this, I may be there right now… it’s great each and every time… but the first time will always be something special. As an aside we really fell in love with all of Japan and its people and have similar non-Disney related memories of our visits there in general. Having the opportunity to bring our daughter there has been a special memory in and of itself.
3) Dodging the Grand Prix bullet and saying hello to Mike
I was 18 and working at Walt Disney World on Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. That was awesome enough but a specific series of events led to this memory:

Not only is it hellish to work at but it was also partially responsible for the collapse of WDW47… some day Grand Prix… revenge will be mine.
First of all I dodged a major bullet when I was hired. After general training I was sent along with a group of other new hires to a manager’s office where we were assigned our positions. Now I knew I was already lucky to be working on an attraction as opposed to say janitorial or food service… nothing wrong with those but I really wanted to work a ride. We sat around hoping for something great… maybe I would get Haunted Mansion or Pirates! Then the positions were announced, my whole group would get either a rotation of smaller Fantasyland rides (think Dumbo and the Carousel) or we would get the dreaded Grand Prix. The Grand Prix was outdoors surrounded by diesel fumes and loud motors all day… no cover… the sun beating down on you on blacktop in Florida in the summer… with motors roaring around you all day, every day. My heart sank.
Then the phone rings and I hear the supervisor talking about “20k”, short for Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and how they needed someone to fill a spot. This was an E-Ticket baby! This was a marquee attraction and I wanted it… badly.
As he was talking on the phone I just burst out; “20k! I’ll Take it… can I work on it?” He cupped the mouthpiece of the phone, looked a little confused and asked “You want to work on 20K?” … “YES I DO!” and so the proverbial squeaky wheel got the grease. My compatriots were off to work carnival rides while I would be piloting the freaking Nautilus… SUCKERS!
Yet that is not the actual memory, as great as it is. Later in the summer new CEO Michael Eisner came to visit us… he was now the star of the Disney Sunday Movie taking up Walt’s old position as host (nah, no ego on Mr. Eisner). They were going to air the actual movie Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and needed to film his intro on our ride. Once again being shy was not going to get me anywhere… I started campaigning to my lead that I HAD to be involved. I was into film and video and lighting… that was my thing and so I would learn so much from this. That’s what I said at least, and while actually true my real motivation was just to be in and around the action.
So they closed the ride, brought in a huge crane with a camera mounted on the end. Myself and three other guys got to ride the Nautilus out into the lagoon while standing at attention on the back of the boat. Michael (as he was introduced to us, no “Mr.” Eisner at Disney) stood up front and read his lines. Take after take we stood at attention until Mike finally nailed his scene. From meeting him and having the CEO of the company call me, the lowest level park employee, by my first name and then myself calling him by his, to seeing it air on TV months later was all awesome.
20K is sadly long gone but my memory will be with me forever.
2) Dawn of a New Disney Era
There have been at least two watershed events in my life that I was lucky enough to be the PERFECT age for. I was 9 years old when Star Wars opened. I saw it in a huge theater with a group of my friends and my Dad on my birthday… it was a big deal. I love that I had that communal experience and that I was young enough to really be blown away by what I was seeing but old enough to remember it all vividly.
Likewise when EPCOT Center opened I was 14, the sweet spot for that park. It really was the “Dawn of a New Disney Era” as the marketing slogan went; it was so very different than the Magic Kingdom but still steeped in all of the history and values that Disney was known for (and I mean Disney the man, not the company). Click here for another take on early EPCOT
My first visits to EPCOT Center are collectively some my greatest memories. It was so exciting, so optimistic, so futuristic and somehow simultaneously foreign and familiar. I was old enough to be given free reign of the place, free of the shackles of tagging along with the family. I sprinted from pavilion to pavilion crisscrossing from Future World to World Showcase and back. It was an empowering experience and the type of thing I hope my daughter can find somewhere somehow.
Seeing the incredible talents of those same Imagineers who pioneered the field now let loose to create the next generation of attractions was exhilarating. The scale was so massive; the rides were so grand it truly was Mecca for a kid like me.
I had spent a couple years waiting for EPCOT Center to open. At one point they opened up the monorail and let visitors ride out to and through the as yet unopened park and it was like sweet torture to be so close and yet so far away from the big grand opening day. I poured over the Abrams EPCOT book taking in every nuance of every piece of concept art. I imagined what it would be like to walk in those paintings and actually be able to touch and feel those incredible looking places. This coincides with a period of time when I took several closely spaced trips to the parks (see number 8) and so I got to see the rapid evolution of EPCOT Center. Imagination, Horizons, The Living Seas… each new addition was better than the last. The park was unstoppable.
I recall my mother getting up crazy early and leaving the hotel well before the rest of us (my brother, my father and myself) in order to run to the Worldkey video kiosks and make dinner reservations for the family in France or Italy or Japan. It seemed like anything was possible, anything could happen at any time.
You could explore the depths of the sea or the depths of your imagination. You could travel in time or in space. You could visit the far corners of the world that you may never actually see. Most of all you could experience a pulsing almost electric sense of hope, optimism and excitement that simply does not exist today. I used to pretend to travel through time when I crossed the bridge connecting Future World to World Showcase and then again as I swept through World Showcase. Every ride was pure and sincere in its intent. There were no “hip” in-jokes or attempts to be a thrill park; it was all about looking forward to what seemed to be an impossibly great future.
There will never be another place like the original EPCOT Center. For 8 years or so the future was accessible in the present and the possibilities were limitless and I got to experience it all.
1) The first time (of course)
Every fan’s first trip to the parks is probably going to rank fairly high on a list of park memories, but I have a specific moment of that first trip that really stands out to me:
My dad had a business trip down to Orlando in the mid seventies. Walt Disney World had opened a few years earlier and was getting lots of press. Many families living on the eastern side of the U.S. had never been to Disneyland and had only a vague understanding of what it really was. My father found himself visiting the Magic Kingdom while on this trip and came back with stories of Pirates, Presidents and transparent ghosts. Being one of those families who had never been to Disneyland this was hard for me to digest. I was a kid, maybe 7 or so… the closest I had been to Disney World was a pirate themed restaurant at the Jersey Shore… this was another world.
So off we went and while my first steps into Walt Disney World are lost to time this one event has become a touchstone of sorts for my family: My first ride on Pirates of the Caribbean.
My Dad had told us all about pirates attacking boats and sacking a town but I just could not compute what this meant. I clung to my parents and did not want to go on this hellish trip no matter what they said. Why on Earth would I want to be attacked by Pirates? Why would I want to risk being shot at or stabbed? Why would I want to drop down a waterfall and face living skeletons? I cried like a baby, I did NOT want to go. I begged and pleaded to skip this nightmare. We worked our way through the dark caverns of the queue as I made a last ditch effort to convince my parents that this was not for me… and then we went… and then it all changed.
Over the duration of that one ride, and perhaps really just the opening moments of that one ride I suddenly understood… it made sense to me. This was not real; this was a living fantasy. This was going down the rabbit hole into a real-world Wonderland. This was entering Willy Wonka’s factory and anything really could happen. This changed everything.
The rest of that trip and the many more to follow were full of (I generally hate this phrase) magic. It was a little kid being given the power to control where we went and when. It was a kid having things he could previously only imagine materialize and become tangible. It was everything that later became important to me in life unfolding in front of me; whimsy and imagination, creativity and hard work, understanding that incredible things can happen and realizing that the smallest things can have the biggest impacts.
Decades later my inaugural ride on Pirates of the Caribbean is still my strongest and most meaningful Disney memory.
And more
Frankly I could make a top 50 list. So many memories of special trips with my family; of buying trick hot candy from the now extinct magic store (don’t get me going) and fooling my Dad into eating it. Memories of riding Big Thunder Mountain a dozen times in a row with my mother and now again with my daughter (at HER insistence not mine). Eating fried ice cream at the old Golf Coast Room, the special occasions on the Empress Lily or studying the maps that used to hang in every resort room and dreaming of what the never built hotels would look like. Riding the monorail with Ron Howard (total random coincidence) and giving him park tips and directions around the park or sneaking to the very top of the castle to peer down Main Street (I worked at WDW at the time).
More memories of riding in the front of the monorail and then recreating that again decades later with my own child. Swimming in River Country, buying crazy masks with my brother or crazy hats with my friend and then wearing them all day long. Our visits to Disneyland Paris or of riding any new ride for the first time. Being at the grand opening of Hong Kong Disneyland or simply strolling out of a quiet and empty park late at night. Disney has the ability to create legitimately special and long lasting memories for all of us. It is not about selling up-charged character dinning meals or autograph books either. At its simplest, Disney can create environments and occasions that are conducive to special things happening. They give you permission to be silly, to be stupid in the best possibel way and to find delight in the smallest of things. I hope they never totally lose sight of that. It is not about marketing, it is about allowing things to happen that can never happen in the “real world” and that is real magic.
Have any special memories of your own be they big it small? Let’s hear them.
Epic post! I feel like I’ve got to know you a bit after reading all this! thanks for sharing,
Thanks Brian.
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
In all seriousness, great list, and glad to see someone else run with the idea. You certainly have seen more ‘milestones’ in, and I’m very envious that you were a teen when EPCOT Center opened. That had to have been awesome.
It’s fascinating to me how certain things leave different marks on each of us. Like Mark, me being scared at Disney was a big memory (for my parents at least), and to this day they fondly recall me trying to hide under their legs on Universe of Energy as we approached the “dime-osaurs.” Good times…I guess.
Anyway, great post!
Ha! Thanks Tom. I owe you one after blatantly ripping you off! But you know: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that.
Your post was great and got me thinking of all the many memories I have revolving around the parks. In fact as we speak we are in Hong Kong soon to be headed to Tokyo for many more.
Thanks for the inspiration: I’ll be sure to pay homage to you many more times I am sure.
I think that’s the nicest way I have ever been called old! Yes, it was awesome to have been at EPCOT as an early teen. It was just the perfect time and place to experience that.
In all sincerity Tom I hope you get the chance to experience something like that because I know a fellow nut job park guy like yourself would appreciate it. Maybe if you guys ever have kids, who knows?!?
Keep up the good work and thanks for posting.
The majority of my Walt Disney World memories center around how terrified I was of pretty much every attraction during my first visit. It was all uphill as I got older, thankfully. I wrote a blog on that subject about a year ago. Please check it out!
Very funny Mark!
For me, it was (of course) my first visit to a Disney park – back in the spring of 1992, I visited DL Paris ( or EuroDisneyland, as it was called back then) for the first time: It was just a few weeks after the park had opened, everything was brand new, the park was the most beautiful park ever build (and that includes TDS). Everything I looked at almost shouted “Yes, there was no budget!” at me – and maintenance was perfect. I remember that my girlfriemd and I used to play a little game – whenever we saw sth that was not absolutely perfect (like the proverbial candy wrapper on the floor), we estimated the time it would take for it to be fixed. Almost without exception, the problem was solved while we were still waiting… you spotted the candy wrapper, and you could actually wait for the SWAT team to arrive and fix the problem 🙂 Of course all of that was only possible because of lavish overspending, so regardless of the many mistakes Eisner has made, I will always be grateful to him for that wonderful week in the spring of 1992, when the word budget had temporarily ceased to exist… (sorry for my English)
Your English is great Jones.
I agree that DLP is the prettiest of the Disneyland style parks but alas I think Tokyo DisneySea trumps it.
Sadly as you know they have allowed the quality standards at DLP to drop rather low but seeing it brand new must have been awesome!
I have to admit that there is no experience like the first time you get to bring your own daughter to Disney World! Just like you my daughter went at a very young age (first trip was actually at one, but the second at two was much more memorable for her). She is a complete Disney Freak. We dont let her watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network, she is a complete Disney kid. From Princess to Star Wars she is all Disney! So the first time she got to see Cinderella’s Castle she FLIPPED OUT! She insisted that we go inside and see her (broke my heart to be honest since we couldn’t actually) . The next day was our first real day at the parks and we had the Princess breakfast at Norway and she still talks about walking with Cinderella at the Princess Procession. It truly makes you actually really excited to wait in the lines to get to meet the characters to see how excited they get to meet these larger than life people. It’s the equivalent of having all your own personal heroes in one place and getting to meet them all! It was truly my favorite disney experience and I am man enough to admit many tears of happiness flowed down my face on multiple occasions while there! To top the whole story off, just like you I have extremely fond memories of early EPCOT. I remember going to Communicore, being scared of the hydrolators breaking and drowning, and going in the post show of Spaceship Earth with the GIANT video screens lining the walls at the top. It was the most amazing thing I had ever done, so when my daughter who was 2 at the times favorite ride turned out to be not Little Mermaid, Toy Story, or the Carousel, but turned out to be “My Ball Ride” I was one extremely proud daddy!
I love that you were afraid if the Hydrolators Patrick, that’s fantastic!
Thanks for sharing your memories, they sound great.
oh wow, this is the first time I’ve seen a photograph of you and Shane, very interesting…
and Catastrophe Canyon is at least not set in a subway station, so it’s not a TOTAL ripoff (but close!)
What! You never watched the WDW47 video?!? Shame on you.
Yea, we are a couple if handsome chaps but don’t let that freak you out: those are really actors we hire to portray ourselves.
And don’t let Disney slide in Catastrophe Canyon. They are not above stealing and when they do they should be called on it. I want them to lead not follow.
When you described your first experience on Pirates, it reminded me of mine. I was just 3 years old and I was really scared of the queue. I was sitting between my parents in the boat and I told them, very loudly, that it was too dark in there and I didn’t like it! As an adult, I often bring my parents along on our trips with our children and they still comment on that first ride.
Right Jessica! Kids are smart, why would we want to be attacked “for fun”?!?
I have a memory similar to your pirates one. First time I went, I was 4, and I remember two things from that trip; some kind of darkwing duck/launchpad etc. show in (starland? Toon town? Whichever), and riding big thunder mountain. I was JUST talk enough to ride (the measuring stick actually went over my head but nicked my scalp just enough to count), and I freaked out before riding, then rode and loved it, and insisted on riding again, and when we got close to the front of the line I would inevitably start freaking out again, sure that the rock was going to fall on me this time… But we did it over and over again anyway.
Awesome Andrew. Thanks for sharing. By the time Thunder opened I was already old enough to love it but the first time I had the guts to go on Space Mountain my eyes were clenched shut the entire time.
One of my earliest memories was believing that the Magic Kingdom was on an island on accesible by boat or monorial. I wrote a little bit about it on my own blog.
That’s interesting Parker.
Again it shows how Disney can tap into a kids imagination in really interesting ways. If built today would they design the arrival process via boat or monorail? Unlikely and yet those things add so much.
I can’t blame you for thinking the MK was an island… It was designed to trick you and it’s cool that you have such a specific memory if that.
My earliest memory in LIFE is WDW-related. I was three years old and all of my dad’s side of the family was going to Walt Disney World. The memory specifically is leaving my cousin’s house in a caravan of cars on our way to the parks. We wouldn’t arrive until hours later and I do not remember anything about WDW specifically, but that sense of excitement and incredible anticipation was enough to stay with me all my life.
A second favorite memory was going with my wife for her first time. She had been Disney-obsessed all her life but had never gone as a child. After a couple years of marriage and before we had kids we went for a week. This was also the first trip that I had been responsible for planning as opposed to my parents, and the first trip that I became a true “Mousejunkie” or whatever phrase you want to use. It absolutely NAILED her expectations she had felt her entire life and we have continued to love it. Thanks for a great list Teevtee!
That’s awesome Ben.
It’s those little vague moments of excitement that you describe that really can stick with you. Thanks for sharing.