Big changes are afoot all across the Disney parks these days. Perhaps you have heard of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge? It may just have a little impact on the Parkeology Challenge as well as life in general within a 10 mile radius of either resort, so how does this affect the rules of the official Parkeology Challenge and any attempts after the lands open? Read on:

• Disneyland has announced a reservation only period for Galaxy’s Edge running from May 31 – June 23 2019. During that period the only way to enter the new land (and ride the first of the two planned attractions) is to hold a very hard to come by reservation. For the purposes of the Parkeology Challenge Smuggler’s Run located within Galaxy’s Edge will NOT be a required ride during the reservation only period. From May 31 – June 23 the Disneyland ride list remains as is with no need to visit Galaxy’s Edge in order to earn a completion of the Parkeology Challenge.
• Challengers who have a Galaxy’s Edge reservation and choose to ride Smuggler’s Run during an official Parkeology Challenge run will earn a special limited time badge Indicating that they went above and beyond the requirements and rode the newest and likely most crowded attraction ever. If you can pull that off you will forever have the honor of a special Star Wars icon by your name on the official Parkeology Challenge board!
• After June 23rdwhen Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens to the general public Smuggler’s Run and eventually Rise of the Resistance will become part of the normal Parkeology Challenge and no special exceptions will be made. Those rides will be added to the mandatory list in order to complete the Parkeology Challenge.

Walt Disney World:
• At this time Walt Disney World has not yet announced any reservation plan and we do not know if they will implement one or not. Should one be announced we would adopt a similar policy as the one outlined above for Disneyland. If they do not implement reservations then Galaxy’s Edge simply becomes part of the Parkeology Challenge like any other ride.
• Walt Disney World has announced “Extra Extra Magic Hours”. These are new park hours that will see some parks opening up extremely early, as early as 6:00am. These hours ARE allowed under the official Parkeology rules and should greatly help account for the new ride(s) during the Parkeology Challenge. “Extra Extra Magic Hours” run from August 29, 2019 through November 2, 2019” after that we will re-evaluate the rules.
• Walt Disney World is also expanding longer park hours under separate “hard ticket” paid events. These additional hours (like all such events) are NOT allowed within the official Parkeology Challenge rules. Just like Halloween or Christmas events any PAID event that gains extra hours in the park are not allowed and that will continue to be the case once Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens. Once the “Extra Extra Magic Hours” end in early November we will re-evaluate the paid events ruling. We want challengers to have a realistic way to complete the challenge but need to wait and see what direction Disney chooses to take.

Oxygen Free (No Fast Pass) attempts:
A new plateau was recently set with the completion of the first ever “Oxygen Free” Parkeology Challenge attempt. This is only for the hardest of hardcore challengers but if any challenger completes it at either resort they will earn a special no Fast Pass badge that will indicate their special achievement. This badge will proudly sit next to the other badges on the official Parkeology Hall of Fame board.
With that taken care of we are excited to see how challengers adapt their strategies for the newest curve balls in the Parkeology Challenge and know this will be an exciting time to run the Parkeology Challenge or root on from afar!
By the way, we now have an official Parkeology Facebook group, click HERE to join it. We are building a great community of folks who can connect with each other to discuss plans, strategy or simply talk about all things Disney, we look forward to seeing you there.
With the WDW train down. Is this an auto fail time frame or how does this work?
We have created a second version of the challenge that allows for all open rides. While this is not a true full completion we understand that those will not be possible for years. Visit the Parkeology Challenge page for full rules.
Can’t wait to see awesome galaxy edge!
It looks fantastic! Can’t wait until it opens at WDW.
With the extra crazy early hours we not only think it is possible but liekly MORE attainable than it has been in quite soem time. WHo knows what Disney may do once the Rise of the Rebellion opens. As we see they are not afraid to adjust things on the fly.
Nice clarification to rules, though I still wonder if it will even remain possible once galaxy’s edge is fully open with both rides running. At least so long as you both insist those silly transportation deals are “rides” 😉
Also do we even have any idea when resistance ride is opening anymore?
And Shane where is that promised article documenting the oxygen free run!?
I want to get a second hand experience from your glory already!